(english version) NEW DESIGN SEASON 2025

Hi mates, here you have the next design for Saint George Day, 2025 season. As you will see it’s inspired on a little bird and the fire you can find in the beach every June 23th, at Mediterranean coast. Life is fleeting, smile.

Both pieces is the new design. You can buy one or both, never mind. If you buy both pieces it has an extra price, more or less around the 30%

The four bars come from the blood of Guifré El Pilós, the warrior from Barcelona who fought for the King of France, some centurys ago. Four bars on yellow because the shield was in gold.

In this case we suggest you an interesting song, the sweetest you can find nowadays. It’s curios because is not the same song recommended in the Catalan version. Here you have the song:

Click for the song and wait

Ein sehr interessanter guter Link:

Der Internationale Tag des Buches wird in Katalonien besonders romantisch begangen.

Bis bald!