ceramic artworks & crafts

Welcome to this ceramic virtual site, hoping you will find a nice experience with me and my ceramic pieces, including some artworks. Do you want to continue? Let’s go!

photo by Harry Magnolius

NEW DESIGN Sant Jordi 2025 (cat) – NEW DESIGN Saint George 2025 (eng)

A passion for creating ceramic pieces

That’s our way of life, we do this because it’s what we know how to do best


Experience how to design with El Col·lectiu de Ceramistes per un Poblenou Lliure i Tropical (Barcelona)

Producing pieces

The production, doing clay artworks, hands to the art and hands making the pieces

Firing the piece of clay

The piece is kilned and fired

Ceramics Project

Enters the projects of the Collective and its imagination. The creative univers of these minds

Ceramic Solutions

The Creative Ceramic Solutions by the Poblenou Ceramists Collective are like clay that metamorphoses into works of art: resilient, and full of life

Resources for you, array of ceramic ideas

Our comprehensive suite of ceramic works caters to a diverse normal people, ranging from sucks, dicks to sensitive or professional persons

Why this piece is white?

  • One: the clay is white
  • Second: we wanted it
  • Is a new Experience for you and us

photo by Oriol Batlle

Islàndia – Iceland

  • imatge referent a una película
  • es troba a una capital europea
  • eg tala ekki íslenku, talardu hana?

“Les possibilitats de la ceràmica son infinites, en formes i colors, i permeten una expressió creativa en totes les seves fases i etapes; des d’anar a buscar el fang a la cocció final. A més, és un remei contra l’obsessió digital del món actual”

Oriol Batlle

artesà ceramista

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